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刘汀涵 Tinghan Liu

NO.1       约翰.帕哈贝尔:D大调卡农与吉格                                      

                Johann Pachelbel Canon in D major
No. 2      弗朗索瓦·约瑟·戈赛克 加沃特舞曲                                      

                Francois Joseph Gossec Gavotte
No.3       李自立:丰收渔歌

                Zili Li: Fisherman's Harvest
No.4       佚名:圣母之歌

                Anon: el noi de la mare           
No.5       巴赫:咏叹调

               J.S Bach: Arioso
No.6       沙汉昆:牧歌

               Hanlun Sha: A Pastoral Song         


中场休息/ Interval

No.7       茉莉花/彩云追月串烧版

               Remix of Jasmine and the Clouds Chasing the Moon
No.8       约克.伯恩:中提琴奏鸣曲第一乐章                                      

                York Bowen: Sonata for viola 1st movement
No.9       李闰珉:你的心河                                                                     

                Yiruma:River flows in you
No.10     巴赫: 十二平均律第一首C大调前奏与赋格                        

                J.S Bach: The Prelude and Fugue No.1 in C Major, BWV 846
No.11      刘铁山,茅沅:瑶族舞曲

                Tieshan Liu, Yuan Mao: Dance of the Yao People
No.12     高凤编曲: 小河淌水

                Arranger Feng Gao: A Flowing Brook
No.13      维托里奥.蒙蒂:查尔达什                                                       

                 Vittorio Monti:Czardas



2007年以专业第一的成绩考入中国音乐学院,师从著名中提琴演奏家苏贞教授. 同年考入中国青年爱乐乐团,中国青年爱乐室内乐团,并担任中提琴首席

2011年荣获奖学金考入英国皇家音乐学院(THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC)攻读硕士,同年考入皇家音乐学院交响乐团,2011年~2013年期间多次与皇家音乐学院交响乐团合作演出。










2012年,在中提琴音乐节“THE BRITISH VIOLA-ROMANTIC”中, 个人演奏著名大师B.J DALE’S “ DALE PHANTASY” ,深受好评。

2013年, 与恩师-著名中提琴教育家演奏家 YUKO INOUE合作演奏并在英国录制CD:THE ROMANTIC VIOLA, 收藏于NAXOS音乐图书馆

Tinghan Liu (MA, BMus) is a young talented professional violinist/violist, who completed her musical studies at the Royal Academy of Music. Her mentors include world-renowned international performer Zhen Su, Yuko Inoue and Yuxi Liu. Before joining the RAM on a rare scholarship, Tinghan has already shown her talent in string instruments. Tinghan’s interest in music began at an early age. After beginning formal violin training at the age of 4, she spent much of her time playing at various concerts and competitions. In 2007, Tinghan joined Orchestral Instruments Department of China Conservatory of Music and in the same year, she entered China Youth Philharmonic Orchestra, rising to become the principal-viola of China Youth Philharmonic Orchestra and China Youth Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra.


In 2008, Tinghan was invited to perform in front of the Beijing Organizing Committee and Olympic Committee Chairman Don Joan Antonio Samaranch during the Olympic Games period. She was also invited to perform at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ New Year Concert and was praised by the leaders of many countries. The following year, Tinghan was invited by the National Grand Theatre to participate in the Beijing International Flute Week, performing alongside with world-renowned flutist Mr. Peter-Lukas Graf. In the same year, Tinghan performed for the Fifth China-Russia Women's Culture Week at the Beijing Great Hall, praises were received from the Vice Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee/President of China Women's Federation and the Russian Federation Council Chairman.


Since 2010, Tinghan’s musical developments began to broaden internationally. As an Orchestral violist, she performed at the International Music Festival at Salzberg, Austria, she also played as a soloist during the Viola Festival “The British Viola –Romantic” at the Royal Academy of Music, performing B.J. Dale's “Dale Phantasy”. Recently she also recorded for the “Romantic Viola” CD in London along with Professor Yuko Inoue, the recordings has since been collected by the NAXOS music Library.

罗佳 Jia Luo

5 岁起学习钢琴 ,12 岁考入中央音乐学院附中,学习竖琴演奏。2000 年考入中央音乐学院,鉴于突出的学业和专业水平,学院破格准许她提前一年毕业,并授予学士学位。同时连续3 年获得学校最高奖学金一"人民奖学金"。附中期间,连续6年获得学校优秀学生奖学金。

 2003 年,赴英国皇家北方音乐学院继续深造。师从竖琴教授Eira Lynn Jones。2004 年获得研究生演奏文凭, 后又于2005 年,获得硕士学位。





罗佳有着丰富的表演经历,她18 岁成功举办了独奏音乐,成为中央音乐学院第一位举办独奏音乐会的竖琴学生。她的演奏足迹遍及中国许多城市,多次在中央电视台音乐频道独奏演出。她曾担任中国少年交响乐团,中国青年交响乐团首席竖琴。多次参加中国一流的交响乐团合作演出,如中国国家交响乐团,中国爱乐乐团,中央芭蕾舞交响乐团,北京交响乐团等。曾受著名指挥郑小瑛的邀请,与厦门爱乐乐团合作演出。曾参加许多大型的活动与文艺演出,如中国大学生艺术节,连续三届被邀请参加中国国际哈尔滨之夏音乐会,以及中央电视台的大型文艺演出。在英国留学期间,参加过北方皇家音乐学院交响乐团,室内乐团,管乐团,弦乐团等许多演出。在皇家音乐学院演奏厅成功地举办了两场独奏音乐会,在Manchester Flixtion House 举办过独奏音乐会。在英国的其他城市和地区参与交响乐团,歌剧团,室内乐团的演出,如London , Manchester, Burnley, Hull ,Liverpool , Stockport 等。她先后两次在英国的BBC广播中现场演奏。

2005年,罗佳筹划并组建了自己的重奏组合-Rosewood Duo,成为Live Music Now, Music in London和Music for hospital的签约演奏组合。致力于中国音乐的推广。她的组合在英国各大小城市进行演演奏,通过她的表演,和她所改编的作品向英国的听众宣传中国传统音乐和文化。她们带上自己的乐器,走进学校,医院,给孩子,老人,及那些不能亲自去音乐厅欣赏音乐的人们开展音乐互动演奏。她们的足迹遍布英国各地,从Northwest England,Edinburg,London,到Taunton, Exeter, Plymouth, St Ives。


Luo Jia, started to learn playing the piano at the age of 5, which is the beginning of her art career. She once studied under Professor Mei Yu and Professor Qifang Wu. At the age of 12, she was accepted by Middle School attached to Central Conservatory of Music, which is widely regarded as the finest music school in China, and began to learn harp performance from Professor linlin Wei. During the six years in Middle School, with musical talent and hard work, her professional skills magnificently improved. She was granted scholarship every year. In 2000, she was accepted as an outstanding student by Central Conservatory of Music in China. She won the scholarship each year at the highest level on campus for successive three years------'People Scholarship'. She was granted Bachelor Degree in three instead of the usual four years.


In 2003, she was accepted by Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester, Britain as a postgraduate, and learned harp performance after Professor Eira Lynn Jones. She was granted performance diploma of postgraduate in 2004. In 2005, she was granted master degree.


Luo Jia once studied under many world famous harp virtuosos, such as French harpist Isabelle Perrin, Japanese harpist S. NAKANO, Spanish harpist Maria

Rosa-Calvo Manzano and American harpist Catherine Brad, etc.


Luo Jia has extensive performing experiences. At the age of 18, she successfully held solo concert in Beijing, the first harp solo concert in Central Conservatory of Music. She has performed in many cities of China. Her solo performances were broadcast in Music Channel of CCTV for many times. She was the principle harpist of China Teenager Symphony Orchestra and China Youth SymphonyOrchestra. Besides, she has performed cooperatively with top symphony orchestras in China, such as China National Symphony Orchestra, China Philharmonic Orchestra, China National Ballet Symphony Orchestra and Beijing Symphony Orchestra, etc. At the invitation of famous conductor Zheng Xiaoying, she once performed together with Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra. She participated in many large-scale activities and performances, such as China University Music Festival, China • Harbin Summer international Music Festival and these large-scale performances of CCTV.


During her study in Britain, she participated in the performances of symphony orchestra, chamber orchestra, wind band and string band of Royal Northern College of Music. She successfully held two solo concerts in Royal Northern College of Music. She also held solo concert in Manchester Flixton House. She once performed cooperatively with symphony orchestras, opera orchestra, chamber orchestras in other cities and districts in Britain, such as London, Manchester, Burnley, Hull, Liverpool, and Stockport, etc. She had gave two live performances on BBC Radio Manchester.


In 2005, she found her own ensemble------Rosewood Duo. Which aims to publicize traditional Chinese music and culture to the English audience through her performances and adapted works. They became the musicians under three music agents, Live Music Now (found by Yehudi Menuhin), Music in London and Music for hospital. They brought their own instruments, into schools, hospitals, to the children, the elderly, and those who cannot personally go to the concert hall listening to music, giving concert and music workshops. Their music travelled all over the UK, from Northwest England, Edinburg, London, to Taunton, Exeter, Plymouth, and St Ives. Jia also had two live performances which was broadcasted on BBC Radio Manchester.


In the time of playing and arranging music, from 2004, Luo Jia has also been engaged in teaching piano and harp, her students cover the age from 75-year-old to 4-year-olds. Many students achieved distinction results from ABRSM exams, some won music scholarship from privative schools, and awarded in music festivals.

特邀嘉宾   Philip Howard 

Philip Howard毕业于皇家音乐学院作曲系和钢琴系。1992年15岁的Philip获得BBC Young Musician of the Year作曲家第一名。2003年在Gaudeamus International Interpreters Award 上取得钢琴第一名,这是35年来英国钢琴家第一次获得冠军。Philip拥有一张钢琴独奏专辑《Decoding Skin》,由他演奏的肖邦‘Raindrop'被电影《普罗米修斯》(Prometheus)用作电影原声。


Philip Howard studied composition and piano at the Royal Academy of Music.At the age of 15 he won joint First Prize in the BBC Young Musician of the Year Composer Award, and later as a pianist won First Prize in the International Gaudeamus Interpreters’ Competition in Rotterdam, the first British winner in 35 years.He has released a solo piano album and his performance of Chopin’s ‘Raindrop' Prelude can be heard on the soundtrack to Ridley Scott’s film “Prometheus”. 


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